Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Automotive workshop Custom Car Emblems

World Automotive|Automotive Information

Automotive Workshop told that custom car emblems come in so many different formats it's difficult to know where to start. Many car owners would call this a fad whilst others would see it as making their car a unique showpiece that will help them impress their friends and family. A true custom car is arguably one which has been built to a certain specification while an alternative view is that it can apply to any car that has been modified or moved away from the manufacturer's specification.

Auto decals, car badges, car emblems, whatever you want to call them, are an inexpensive way of personalising your vehicle without costing you a fortune in the process. Deciding how to customise your car is all part of the fun; you can mess about with the engine, the torque, the suspension, fuel injection system along with body modifications and a hundred other parts. They do of course have varying degrees of cost, from fairly modest such as the car emblem route, to hugely expensive where cars are transformed from their meek original to sleek powerful machines which can be shown off and/or used for racing.

In this Automotive Workshop we're talking mainly about the use of emblems and badges to customise your car; it's relatively cheap, can look great (although if done badly it can have the opposite effect) and is a whole lot of fun as well.

So what sort of car emblems can you get for your custom car? Well the list is pretty much endless; you can get badges with your favourite sports team, one's that represent your religious views, your community, your hometown, political party, rotary or Masonic affiliations and so on. New films or popular TV shows can also be depicted buy car badges - most recently you have the latest Transformers movie and there are some incredible emblems or logos that you can get to beef up your car and who knows; maybe the car itself is really a sleeping transformer J

Automotive workshop to remember to get the right effect is that they should not look out of place; they should be thoroughly cleaned before they are attached, the positioning is carefully thought through and they are put on straight. Nothing looks worse than a bodged logo sitting at an odd angle on a car. Think through the whole process before you start and you won't go far wrong. 

By : steve Ferns

2011 Copyright Automotive Workshop

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Automotive Workshop All You Need To Know About An Oil Change

World Automotive|Automotive Information

Oil changes will be one of the most common car maintenance tasks you will provide for your vehicle throughout its lifetime. It is one of many important fluids that maintain your engine, the heart of your car. If not properly maintained, engine repairs can make it nearly impossible to save a good car. Why is the oil so important to the engine? What does it do that keeps your car running?

Oil is a lubricating agent for the working parts of your engine. Whether you have a standard shift transmission or an automatic transmission, the oil helps minimize metal to metal scratching, creating harmful friction to the working parts. Friction generates heat, causing a series of problems that will eventually shut your engine down. By properly lubricating the system with oil, you help maintain an appropriate temperature and keep parts from damaging each other.

When you look at the engine under the hood, you will notice a metallic film all over every working part. This is the oil that has been distributed for proper lubrication. The oil however, needs to be periodically replaced not only for level but also for quality. Overtime, the oil wears away from the engine parts and more oil is then distributed to replace it. An oil change ensures that there is always enough oil for your car to draw upon to maintain the engine.

Oil may also burn or pick up residue from the engine. If the oil quality has been compromised, the slick lubrication becomes sticky and gunk build up causes working parts to malfunction. Oil changes also make sure that this doesn't happen, by providing new oil that is in excellent condition.

The important part about oil changes is that they are done regularly. You may choose to rely on the sticker your mechanic puts on the upper left hand corner of your windshield or you can periodically check the quality of oil every couple thousand miles. Never drive your car too many miles over the limit and never neglect the level and quality of your oil, otherwise you will put unnecessary strain on the engine causing necessary repairs or complete replacement.

To make sure you're getting the most out of each change is to make sure that you're getting a high quality oil in your tank so that it lasts as long as it should. Some car makes and models may require a certain grade of oil, so in the very least make sure your car has what is appropriate. You can also save money by learning how to change oil yourself as frequently as you see fit, but it requires some time and training to do it right. Otherwise, the cost of an oil change is pretty minor, ranging from $20-$60 maximum. 

By : Alfred Ardis

2011 Copyright Automotive Workshop